First-Year Applicants - Smith College
Smith accepts two applications for first-year admission—the Common Application and the Coalition Application. Smith does not have a preference for one application over the other; both of these application types will receive equal consideration in our admission process.
Dining - Smith College
Smith College Dining Services is committed to providing outstanding customer service and the highest quality food to all students and guests. We embrace Smith’s traditions while keeping current with global dining trends.
Admission Staff - Smith College
If you live in Boston or Eastern Massachusetts, or on Cape Cod, your admission counselor is:. Ashanti Adams. [email protected] Admission Counselor for Diversity & Access . If you live in Central or Western Massachusetts (Berkshire or Franklin Counties), your admission counselor is:. Deborah Doulette. [email protected] Associate Director
Offices & Services - Smith College
413-585-2642: Facilities Management: 413-585-2400: Fellowships Program: 413-585-4913: Finance and Administration: 413-585-2200: Graduate and Special Programs
Your Campus - Smith College
Planning an event on campus and think you’ll have extra food left over? Want to get involved in donating daily dining hall leftovers? Contact the Smith Food Rescue Network to see about helping members of the Northampton community who may be in need. Donations—totaling more than 22,000 pounds since the program’s inception in 2022—most often go to Manna Kitchen, but the Rescue Network ...
Introducing the Smith Portal
Navigation and Use Begin at the portal log-in page: https://portal.smith.edu After signing on with your Smith network username and password, the portal checks Banner, assigns you one or more roles (student, faculty, or staff), and displays the portal tabs for your particular role(s).
Registrar Forms & Worksheets - Smith College
Course Eligibility Waiver (obtain instructor permission or override course eligibility rules) Change of Grading Option (S/U) Form (For Smith College courses only. Due at the end of the 9th week of classes for full semester courses.)
Smith College Faculty
If you’re a member of the media looking to interview an expert from Smith on a range of topics, let us know! Carolyn McDaniel, Director of Media Relations, can help connect you with the right faculty member.
Jill Ker Conway - Smith College
Conway was just 39 years old when she accepted the Smith presidency in 1974. During her tenure, she championed the creation of many groundbreaking projects, programs and academic departments, including the Smith Management Program; the Ada Comstock Scholars Program; the Project on Women and Social Change; and programs in women’s studies, comparative literature and engineering.
Discover Smith College
Knowledge. Community. Generosity. These three concepts capture Smith’s identity as an institution. Since its founding in 1871, Smith has remained at the forefront of higher education. A leader in service, sustainability, and scholarship, the college fosters the creativity and determination of its students with first-class facilities, dedicated faculty, …